What Time Tuesday?

At the end of last year, my 15-year project finally came to an end. This project started back in 2009, when I was still a student at Life University attending an Upper Cervical Revolution seminar in Las Vegas.

In the Upper Cervical Chiropractic society, there is a famous book called What TIME Tuesday?. This book is a memoir reflecting a treatment experience of trigeminal neuralgia, known as “hellish pain.” The author, James Thomas, shares his journey from getting diagnosed with the condition, his intense battle with the illness, to his encounter with Upper Cervical Techniques, and treatment to a life changing recovery. From his experience, he is now dedicated to helping people suffering with various bodily pains and symptoms. He and his wife, Rhonda, have been actively promoting Upper Cervical Techniques; authoring several books and engaging in educational activities about their experiences.

I first met Mr. Thomas at the seminar in Las Vegas in the spring of 2009. Participants from various places gathered for various lectures, workshops, and the sale of chiropractic treatment-related equipment and books. At this event, Mr. Thomas also held a book signing event. As a student studying upper cervical techniques, I naturally lined up eagerly for his signing event. When my turn came, I greeted him lightly, and suddenly he asked, "Are you a student?" When I replied, "Yes," he said, "The regular price is $5, but you can have it for $3. But if money is really tight for you, $1 is fine." I felt a little down, wondering if I looked like such a poor student. Sensing my dejected mood, Mr. Thomas kindly said, "I want many people to read this book, that's why I said that. It's not like I thought you looked like someone who couldn't afford it." And just like that, I met him for the first time. After the signing event, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to talk with Mr. Thomas. When I mentioned that I was Japanese, he suddenly said, "Could you translate this book into Japanese? I really want people in Japan to read it. I want them to know that they can be saved by upper cervical techniques!" He mentioned that he had studied in Japan before, during high school. However, I was not confident in my English skills, moreover, translating sounded too hard and pressured for me. But he passionately said, "It's okay if it takes years. I want you, who will become an upper cervical chiropractor in the future, to translate it." Caught up in his enthusiasm, I reluctantly agreed to take on the task.

A few months after this event in Las Vegas, I graduated from university, passed the national board exam, and became a chiropractor. I inherited what is now our clinic, "Izumi Chiropractic," and suddenly found myself as a business owner alone. During the struggles of those days, I often thought about giving up on the translation, thinking it might be better to forget about it. But I remembered Mr. Thomas's words, "It's okay if it takes years," and although it was slow progress, I kept working on it. At one point, I realized that with my English skills, it would never be finished. I eventually asked a professional to translate the book, but I was responsible for the specific medical terms and chiropractic terminology, taking more time. Many revisions and additions were made throughout the book. Finally, after many years, the translation of the whole book was completed. I finally fulfilled the promise of that day. To honor its publication, we are distributing 300 copies of the Japanese version of "What TIME Tuesday?" for free. Anyone, including those who are not our patients, can stop by our clinic and have a Japanese version for free.

To honor its publication, we are distributing 300 copies of the Japanese version of "What TIME Tuesday?" for free. Anyone, including those who are not our patients, can stop by our clinic and have a Japanese version for free.

Upper cervical chiropractic restores spinal alignment to normal and improves nerve flow, maximizing the body's self-healing ability. If you are suffering from severe pain or symptoms, why not take a chance on the passionate beliefs of the Thomas couple and the potential of upper cervical techniques? First, try picking up the book, "What TIME Tuesday?”

                                                                                                  Dr. Yoshiro Yajima

