Our Staff

Our Staff

Yoshiro Yajima, D.C.(Doctor of Chiropractic)

Dr. Yajima’s career in the chiropractic field began in his 20’s, after he suffered a karate injury after more than 10 years of training in the art. During that journey to recovery, his interest in health care increased, notably the importance of the holistic approach. Dr. Yajima became a Judo Therapist while working for an orthopedic clinic in Japan, where his commitment to finding more effective treatments through human self-healing techniques continued. With that, Dr. Yajima obtained his chiropractic education and board certification in the United States. Dr. Yajima practices the specialized techniques, QSM³, NUCCA, and, CEA while combining exercise therapy, introducing the “Yajima Method”. Dr. Yajima currently instructs karate classes (Shotokanryu-style Yajima Dojo), wherein teaches manners and mental strength through karate, and is married with 2 children.

Yoneda Jusei Junior College
Life University College of Chiropractic (COC)
QSM³ (Quantum Spinal Mechanics 3-Upper Cervical Progressive)
NUCCA (National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association)
GCA (Georgia Chiropractic Association)

Our clinic uses QSM 3 and NUCCA upper cervical spinal technique to provide painless treatments. In addition, we offer treatments such as detox therapy including dietary guidance and enzyme immunotherapy that heal the body from the inside. Combining the two aspects offer for a complete healing of the body. Extremity adjustment and Loomis Health Nutrition Certified.

Hiroki Kariya, Chiropractor Assistant (Certified athletic trainers)

Born in Osaka, Japan in 1986. Since he was young, he played multiple sports and soccer was his favorite sport. He chose his career path after taking Sports Medicine as an elective in high school. After he became a Certified Athletic Trainer, he worked with professional soccer teams, Division I universities, and high schools for over 10 years. He joined Atlanta Yajima Chiropractic in 2020. He is a Certified Kinesio Taping Instructor and possesses multiple certifications in sports medicine such as Blood Flow Restriction.

University of Georgia graduated with BS in Exercise and Sports Science (Athletic Training)
Georgia State University graduated with MS in Sports medicine
National Athletic Trainers’ Association
Georgia Athletic Trainers’ Association
Kinesio Taping Association International

He creates personalized plans for each patient, using the latest treatment methods to target specific injuries and reduce recovery time, or using these methods to create a holistic plan for improvement of general wellness.

Hikari Majano Cerna(まはのさーな ひかり)

In 1993, Hikari was born in Hiroshima, Japan and raised in Saitama Prefecture. She started playing soccer in fourth grade and made rapid progress due to her talent. In middle school, she joined the Japan Soccer Association and enrolled in an elite soccer training institution sponsored by Fukushima Prefecture. She represented Japan in the Asia tournament, and also represented Fukushima Prefecture and competed twice in a national competition. After graduating high school, she enrolled in Tsukuba University with a sports referral. While majoring in Sports Coaching, she played on her university’s Women’s Varsity soccer team. After graduation, she received a soccer scholarship to Clayton State University to pursue a Masters Degree in Health Administration and to learn about Medical Management. She became a member of Atlanta Yajima Chiropractic in April of 2020.

Graduated with Bachelor of Sports Coaching from Tsukuba University, Japan
Entered Clayton State University Graduate School
Graduated with Masters of Health Administration from Clayton State University

フィットネス・ウェルネスコーディネーターとして複数のストレッチをアレンジ・複合したオリジナルストレッチを提供。長年のプレイヤー経験を通したアスリート目線でのより良い身体の使い方、メンテナンス方法のアドバイスも行う。Basic Chiropractic Assistant Training修了。ルーミス健康栄養学認定士資格取得。


Call us

(770) 557-0706

Doctor's Schedule

Dr. Yajima
8:00 ~ 13:00
8:00 ~ 20:00
9:00 – 17:00 ‡
8:00 ~ 20:00
8:00 ~ 13:00
8:00 ~ 18:00

Opens at Roswell office every other Wednesday
Available Emergency Appointments on Sundays


【第32回AYC CLUBのお知らせ】

【第32回AYC CLUBのお知らせ】

次回のAYC CLUBは8月24日(土)に行…
【ANIS 7月号 症例紹介】

【ANIS 7月号 症例紹介】


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