The Holiday season has begun! December, the most festive month of the year, comes with many joys and we enjoy many feasts with delicious food and desserts. (along with gaining some weights…)
At our clinic, every October we start our special promotion— “Digestive Enzyme Supplement Campaign” to start preparing for the holiday season. As most might my know, enzymes are essential proteins related to chemical reactions occurring within the body. They play a crucial role in digestion, absorption, metabolism, and various activities within our body necessary for sustaining life. All animals, including us humans, cannot survive without these enzymes.
The “enzymes” recently trending within the health-world, if one says, mostly refer to the digestive enzymes we use. Enzymes can be broadly classified into two types: external, obtained from foods or supplements, and internal, those that already exist latent within the body. Interestingly, the number of internal enzymes one produces over a lifetime is predetermined. Consequently, as one continues to consume poorly digestible food or has an unhealthy lifestyle from a young age, the internal enzymes may deplete, leading to malnutrition. In which, to prevent such things, supplements or dietary adjustments are used to support enzyme function. However, just like each person has different body sizes and types, there are nutrients that some individuals find easy to digest and others struggle with. (A very popular example will individuals that are lactose intolerant; they find it difficult to digest lactose.) Many people experience changes in their ability to digest certain nutrients, developing sensitivity to specific foods as they age. You may have foods that you don’t hate, but you feel sick after eating them. These become nutrients that are challenging to digest for your body. So, how can you find out which foods your body struggles to digest? Perhaps, our “digestive enzyme campaign” can help you.
In our clinic, we offer an enzyme therapy treatment that includes urine tests, physical examinations, and comprehensive dietary reviews. Every year in October, we host a special campaign that is a little simpler than the whole treatment (a questionnaire and physical examination), to identify a broader area of where one struggles with digestion. These areas will be such we call a relatively weak digestive organ. Based on a simplified diagnosis, we will recommend you with suitable supplements from six types for each patient, considering different factors like: this one for a weak pancreas, this other one for a weak gallbladder.
The enzyme supplements available at our clinic are from the Loomis Company. Both I and our clinical staff, Hikari, have obtained a digestive health professional certification from the Food Enzyme Institute. These supplements are made from carefully selected organic materials and naturally derived herbs, ensuring safety and reliability. I consider them to be Western herbal medicine (compared to such like Traditional Chinese Medicine). Moreover, since handling and sale of these supplements are not permitted without the certification, we ensure safety in our clinic as well.
I hope to spread more awareness in the different foods and nutrients different bodies struggle to digest, the significance of such external enzymes allowing for good health. Digestive enzymes can be obtained most effectively from vegetables and fruits. Start with a healthy daily lifestyle and a well-balanced diet. Remember to chew your food well during meals, as saliva aids breakdown and digestion of foods. At times you find it difficult to be so healthy, consider helping your digestive systems with suitable supplements tailored to your body’s needs. Our current world with a high average lifespan age, taking care of our bodies and navigating life skillfully is significant.
Even if you are yet to visit us in our clinic, we still offer a simple diagnosis for you in any concerns. Please feel free to reach out and consult with us.
Dr. Yoshiro Yajima