Though our clinic is a chiropractic office, we propose supplement intakes that suit each patient’s constitution and symptoms for the health of both insides and outside of the body. One reason we recommend these supplements is because we want you to be healthy by your own body strength by enhancing the natural healing power and autoimmunity. Though taking a prescribed or an over the counter medicine is the general symptomatic treatment, this does not lead to the complete cure of the disease. Of course, surgical and medical treatments are necessary for major injuries and illnesses, but for chronic diseases like lifestyle-related diseases, physical disorders and pains due to aging and bad habits, enzyme therapy using chiropractic and supplements can improve the conditions. It’s not that I deny surgical or medical treatment, but I believe that putting a scalpel into the body by surgery and taking medication for many years will put a strain, or damage on the body.
Every year at this time of the year, we recommend the “Pollen Allergy Kit” to alleviate the dredging allergic symptoms of pollen and allergies. This kit combines four types of supplements. From my experience, detoxification from 3 weeks before the allergy season starts is the most effective, but I figured that it is very hard to start off. So, instead I came up with something easier to get started on, a kit that contains 4 types of supplements of vitamin A and B, and many different types of herbs.
Among them, “ALLERPLEX,” as the name suggests, is a supplement that is extremely effective for allergy symptoms, and is my favorite. It is effective for various allergic symptoms and is a supplement that many people purchase throughout the year.
The main ingredient of “ALLERPLEX” is vitamin A. Vitamin A plays a role in keeping the skin and mucous membranes healthy and strengthening resistance to outside substances, leading to alleviating and preventing allergic symptoms. Moreover, it also contains many herbs such as alfalfa that suppresses inflation, making it a highly effective supplement. It can begin to work within 30 minutes of consumption and has no side effects. It also has a preventive effect, meaning it can be more effective if you take it before symptoms appear.
Many of my patients have allergies, developing symptoms from common things like food, pets, mites, house dust, temperature differences, low temperature, and before menstruation in women. Symptoms of runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, eye troubles, itchiness, swollen skin, rashes, fevers, headaches…the list goes on and on. In dangerous cases such as anaphylactic reactions, appropriate measures and treatments are required, but taking general anti allergic medications often causes side effects that interfere with daily life, like drowsiness or headaches. Because of these side effects, there are many people who refrain from taking these medications even though they are disturbed by their symptoms. In that respect, supplements have almost no side effects, and even those who are taking medication for chronic diseases and even young children can take them with no risk. Some people may wonder if supplements even do anything, but there are some that are highly effective and those that can alleviate symptoms. At our clinic, we only handle supplements from two companies: Loomis, developed with a focus on nutrients of enzymes, and Standard Process, formulated with organic ingredients grown only from their own farm. Both are very high quality and the formulation content is close to traditional Chinese medicine.
Don’t you think it’s a waste and sad to have a depressing spring season just because of heavy allergies? Why not enjoy the amazing Atlanta spring with our recommended kit?
The Perfect Kit for Allergy Season! Allergy season is approaching as it turns into spring time. For those who suffer from pollen and allergies, this time of year can be hard. Also, over the counter allergy medications can make you sleepy or experience unpleasant side effects such as headaches. For those people who suffer from these symptoms, we have a special kit we would like for you to try! It is the Pollen Resistance Kit. We start off with two herbal supplements that help the body to remove toxins more quickly. Also, it helps to strengthen our immune system, so that the symptoms are less likely to appear.
The third organic supplement helps to counteract allergy symptoms. ★KDY・・・Helps improve the flow of lymphatic system and detoxification. Helps reduce bloating. ★MSCLR・・・Herbal antihistamines help relieve runny nose and stuffy nose; amylase enzyme helps remove toxins. ★ALLERPLEX・・・Contains Vitamin A and C which helps with runny nose, stuffy nose, respiratory system, and improves liver function to help relieve allergy symptoms. ★CATPLEX B・・・Contains Vitamin B1, B3, and B6. Helps relieve allergy symptoms. |